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Re: Rash around nostrils: What? Why?
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Rash around nostrils: What? Why?

yes, around flush time i eat....either.......oatmeal, potatoes, beans, veggies, brown rice. etc.

I make some yummy stews with beans, garlic, onions, green pepper or okra, tomaotoe's and a little organic spaghetti sauce......herbs......and boil up a pot of brown basmati rice.....and serve stew on top of rice.......YUM.....or I do a potato curry.......or make cauliflower like mashed potatoes.....or in a pinch just a baked yam, sweet or regular potato......or oatmeal.....

I try to make something that will stick to our bones and fill us we're not hungry......and we eat at 1:30 to fill up.....then TONS of water!

next flush i'm looking forward to incorporating the Castor Oil!! I had a lyphatic drainage therapist tell me once that 80-90% of the weight I was carrying was due to water if it cures BLOAT.......I need it!! I believe all those synthetic hormones and drugs i took during fertility clogged up my lymphatic system, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and shut down my endocrine i hope i see results with the castor oil! I've been working on my kidneys along with the flushes.......just waiting for that MAGIC flush......that makes everything balanced again!

I never tried the foot pads

I had metal poisoning really bad before flushing and I did weekly clay baths with tox away......20g of chlorella daily for a year prior to flushing and bio-chelat., it rid me of the metals. I check myself once or twice a year now. I'll resume taking chlorella once my liver and organs are cleaned out to prevent and maintain.
we also check our PH twice a year too. and while flushing use a mineral supplement.
but black sesame seeds, seaweed, brazil nuts, beans.......contain most of what you need.

it took 8 mos to rid myself of the metals hubby too.


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