Real Help
I suggest you look into the methods we use here at CureZONE such as Ozone therapy, Zapping, Blood Electrification,
Colloidal Silver , Nutrition & Cleansing. If you go the medical route then dont hold your hopes high! If you go the medical route and follow treatments here she stands a better chance. Medical routes can make safe alternative methods take longer due to the body being damaged by the chemos etc. It has to heal all that damage first before it can heal the problems. Example is how weak the immune system becomes after Chemo etc. How can you fight cancer and disease with a weak immune system? Alot of the cancer becomes stealthy and coats itself in a fine slimey coating which chemo/rad cant destroy! You should take Pineapples or use Bromelain to destroy parts of the coating and allow the destruction of the cell. Dont use Pancreatis as much of what you buy don't have what it should have to do this problem. Theres an example for you and I hope you check out the information. Study on these people:-
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Hulda Clark
Dr. Lorraine Day
Bob Beck
Dr. Royal Ramond Rife
George Lakhovsky
I appreciate your child programming of the state being the helper and saviour to man but it isn't. Learning from the above will take time to which you are rushing right now. I hope you prevail and stop the system from ruining your lives for profit and depopulation orders from the United Nations. The old ways of the west destroying the third world peoples has been turned on us since the late 70's and making profits in the process.