If you have noticed the on the famr pictures we raised these huge sweet potatoes, I requested one of those for the birthday meal and I doubt she will make a pineapple upside down smoothie. I will stop the fasting for 1 meal, make great use of the Lower Bowel Capsules and be back on schedual the next day.
While fasting, there are not too many hard fast rules the first 21 days, you do what you feel comfortable with. You just fast until you feel your done and you are done, regardless the amount of days. I have no clue how many days I will fast, meaning not eating what I am use to eating. I would like to remain on fruit juice forever, but momma would be insulted if I did not eat her foods once in awhile. Daughters tend to do what their mother's teach them and with many that is COOKING the foods they serve. Brenda states she is fasting after my birthday and even ias driving 50 miles away to catch the semi from Florida that has the honey bells on it, otherwise in our area they will not deliver honey bells this year. We will see how long her fast last? I have hopes with each fast that her internal instincts from her mom will be broken and she will seek to do less and less cooking.