Re: For Everyone to read
I would like to know if they took cultures, and from what source did they obtain them? Yeast can be very difficult to detect, and it is the toxins they produce which can be the true source of the problem.
If the main thrust of your symptoms were caused by a serious pathogenic type of yeast, then this should be easily detectible with cultures and even blood samples.
It is "stealth" type yeast which get past the normal tests.
I think the use of fungicides is creating a tougher species of yeast which resembles our "normal" yeast counts, and this is what is causing the discrepency.
The "medical" people need to develope a test kit which can detect abnormal traces of mycotoxins. These things can directly affect the nervous system and endocrine system resulting in auto-immune disorders {subtle ways}.
Many symptoms are from certain cells {our own} which produce their own poisons. These circulate causing itching, irritation and inflammation.
They also up-set PH levels in cetain tissues. Shroom