Bushisms~what the h#ll is he saying?
Because sometimes you need a dictionary...
Augmentation= Escalation
Surge = Augmentation
21,500= Pissing in the wind
Nucular= Nuclear
Strategy = Pin the Tail on the Donkey
Mission= Quagmire
Mission Accomplished= Premature Evacuation
Mandate= 29%
Sectarian violence= Civil war
Civil unrest= Sectarian violence
Sectarian violence= Civil war
Caesarian section= Shouldn't be taught in schools
New plan = Sweeps are over; rerun
Iraq Study Group= Milli Vanilli
Reviewed all options= Iraq, paper, scissors
Not open ended= The Grand Canyon
Sacrifice= Go shopping
New resolve = Eight vacations
Success that hasn't happened yet= Cubs win the World Series
I'll only put it in halfway= Number of troops first sent to
You don't look fat in those pants= Moo!
Not winning, not losing= Losing
Last chance for Iraq = Ms. Schiavo definitely has brain activity
Woronterr= War on terror
Tourists = Terrorists
Tourists, Woronterr = Fear! Fear! Fear!
Make Americans safer= Fear! Fear! Fear!
Make Americans safer= But not with condoms
Domestic wiretapping= Fear! Fear! Fear!
Habeus Corpus= So 1776
9/11= 9/11
Family values = One million Iraqi dead
Abortion is murder= One million Iraqi dead
Stem cell research is murder=Three thousand Americans dead
Culture of life= Three thousand Americans dead
Iraqis are free= Except the women
Clear Skies Initiative= Roll back energy plant emissions standards
Healthy Forests Initiative= Clear cutting forests
Clear Iraqi neighborhoods=Clear Neighborhoods Initiative
Patriot Act= It's an act
Energy Independence= No minimum MPG standards
Iraqi Independence = No minimum IED standards
The check is in the mail= And your grandchildren are
going to have to make it good
To step back now would force a collapse of the Iraqi government and result in mass killings on an unimaginable scale = I thought I was stepping on the brake, officer
Sacrifice more young men and women= Not my kids
Another 6.6 Billion = Not my money
A real plan= Not my job
Prime Minister Maliki= Queen Elizabeth
Moqtada al Sadr= Tony Blair
Al Qaeda in Iraq= Player to be named later
Shia "insurgents"= Half the seats in Iraqi parliament
Sunni insurgents= Tutsis
I'm the Decider = Let the Democrats come up with a
Rebuild Iraq= Not rebuild New Orleans
Prosperity= Halliburton, Bechtel
Responsibility= 9/11
Accountability= Dennis Hastert
Feasibility= Cubs win the World Series
Work with congress= Veto
Co- operation = Talk to the hand
My Fellow Americans= Evangelical base
Support for Israel= Getting Christ's room ready
No timetables= No timetables
Benchmarks= Timetables
Affordable health care= One million new uninsured this year
Booming home ownership= Balloon mortgages for poor people
Home ownership= Foreclosure
Iraq= Foreclosure
My presidency= Foreclosure
Bring the troops home, for closure