Re: question??
Romeo, my understanding is that the
Hulda Clark protocol isn't something new, not something she invented ... it's an old, time-honored method of
Liver Flushing that she recommends. I did it 14 times in 2006 and will tell you ab so lute ly, IT WORKS!
Cleanses have an order for a purpose, you need to get your elimination system working in order to get the toxins out. If you're not in alot of pain from gallstones, then, yeah, do the colon and kidney cleansing ahead of time. I use the herbal products from the Barefoot Herbalist and do know with his products this works for me:
week 1: take enough Lower Bowel Balance to get bowels moving 3-5 times a day. This is different for every one. Right now, I'm taking 9 of them daily.
week 2: continue taking the LBB and add the Kidney/Pancreas Balance, I used 1 teaspoon at bedtime
week 3: continue taking both from above and start taking Dewormer, 1Tablespoon tiwce a day, until the 2 days of your flush, then stop all suppliments, do the flush. Bedtime at the end of day 2, I resume my herbs and go on with my others cleanses.