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4th flush went nice and easy,not eating seemed to help. any info on "bile rush"?
leyla Views: 1,416
Published: 18 y

4th flush went nice and easy,not eating seemed to help. any info on "bile rush"?

hi all, and happy new year!
my 4th flush this last weekend was really easy and comfortable thanks to the tips from so many here(esp thanks to you grzbear!)
drinking water during the flush was really important, and the most important thing i think was just not eating solid food the day of the flush. the last two flushes i did not eat(Only fresh squeezed juices and vegetable broth), and they were less overwhelming internally, as the second and first i remember feeling such a turmoil in my tummy and as if it sucked everything out of me to flush out the food that was there. and made me extra nauseous.
but my question is, on the first and second flush i remember when going to the bathroom a window of time where there was a strong bile odor(like vomit) and these last two times no such thing.
i remember reading before people commenting on a bile rush during the flush and am just wondering what that means really, besides bile rushing out after the oo/gf mix, is there some other significance or cues that this is happening? and if there is no clear signs of bile when evacuating, did a bile rush happen?

just trying to get a better idea of whether eating and bile rush are related and if it is in any way making my flush less efficient by not eating. it was productive and very easy to see as there was nothing else there for the most part but stones.
thanks to all for sharing L


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