I had just a week or two prior finished watching the movie.....yes, I purchased it and gave it as a gift to one or two friends/relatives this year. When I came accross your post. It really reinforced what I had watched and it's great to have a visual. If you come accross any more from this movie please post again!! LOL Loved it!
True story:
While in San Diego this past month for a family emergency my brother in law came over with a cold/flu and sicker than all get out. the next day, my eyes were running, my nose stuffy and my ears congested. I was busy caring for my father in law who had just been released from the hospital and that evening when going to bed I practiced, THE SECRET!!! Instead of thinking I was sick, I kept saying over and over in my head and aloud, THANK YOU, GOD, FOR MY HEALING!!! Well, low and behold wasn't I better by morning!!! I didn't get sick at all. It worked!!! I plan on watching this movie until it becomes engrained in me.