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Re: Cutting off warts ourselves
911insidejob Views: 7,160
Published: 18 y
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Re: Cutting off warts ourselves

I recently went to the doctor to have a wart removed. He basically had a special razor blade and cut as deep as he could. Unfortunately, the thing grew right back. They wanted me to comeback every two weeks to have it done again. I've got better things to do with my only day off so I bought a pack of blades and have been cutting it off myself. I thought I was making progress and finally last week made a cut that I thought for sure was going to get this thing but alas, it appears to be coming back. So... Right now I've got duct tape on it which definitely is affecting it, but that's only until I get my Colloidal Silver . From what I've read I have a feeling I'm going to get rid of this thing using silver. I had an old bottle sitting in my cabinet which I bought once when I had a bad cold. I didn't really know much about the stuff. I put the last drop of it on a tiny wart I have under a fingernail and the thing seemed to kind of start to die off. The problem is it needed more drops and I'm out. I should be getting this stuff today I'll keep you posted. Research " Colloidal Silver ." As far as I understand it destroys (blocks?) an enzyme viruses use to metabolize oxygen, therefore killing them.

So what I'm trying to say is, skip the cutting procedure.


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