Off topic
Jeez, MoreLess
I would've never thought you to be a Christian!!
Or is it just to rub upagainst , feel some resistance, from John?
If you are a Christian, hehe, ironic?
How do Chrisitans speak and counsel their fellow man?
Like Baysides who bombards e-mail boxes with Chrisitan retoric and subscriptions?
Who so badly wanted to be #1 in the blogs that she became irate and very unChrist-like?
MoreLess, your communication is the fodder for all of us, and must delight you...but really a Christian even for you that is a stretch
Just honing your debate skills?
I like that idea, I think I'll go with it
If I think of you as Christ-like ( or Baysides) I'd have to completely erase my idea of Christ