Re: The Final Solution
I realise that I do not post often (I just cannot devote my existence to trolling CureZone like yourself and your two cronies) but perhaps I should post twice; once for the intelligent few, and again for the illiterate morons who do nothing but hate, loathe and denigrate?
It seems, Stridar/Celcius, that you do nothing but patrol CureZone all day long, attempting to abuse and corrupt the majority; and time and time again you use the very same slurs to do so (farce, pity party, whining, etc, etc). How about a little variety? A change perhaps?
If you must know, "The Final Solution" is a subtle method of insinuating that Moreless is a fascist. Do you understand?
The worst thing of all is not Moreless' attitude, but the fact that Moreless, your "good" self, and even Maya appear to do nothing all day but patrol these boards, and then later act as if all of CureZone is under their control. Perhaps I am "whining" when I state that I now live a very full, fruitful, joyous existence, and indeed I will leave CureZone for good very, very soon. Compare this with individuals, like yourself, who spend their days hurling abuse at bodies of text on a computer screen, or "socialising" with nobodies they will never meet (and then complaining about the club they are full members of) -- whose existence is the most laughable? Analyse yourself before criticising others, child.
And for the record, I genuinely do not care about "moreless," whoever this misinformed fool is. If he becomes Grand High Emperor of CureZone, or if he dies tonight in a car crash, it bothers me not. I have far greater deeds to do, and most certainly have far better people to converse with.
(And once again my past points have been proven correct by the same three imbeciles voting against my every word. Such bitterness and spite really must feel wonderful!)
You should have been banned months ago. You, along with your two partners in dis-ease, are the greatest sickness of all.
(And the "crapola" that comes from MY mouth? Do you realise how hypocritical this statement is?)
Answer if you will, in your usual childlike manner. I shan't bother reading.