Re: lymphatic execretions suspiciously like cold symptoms
Hi there...
here's some info in a nut shell:
Unless you didn't prime yourself by healthy eating prior to starting ,don't expect to unload a truck..
Many have experienced flu or cold like symptoms during the cleanse primarily within the first couple of days(for me),whatever the cause,lymph or otherwise. I believe the immune sys is at a low due to the initial shock of the
Master-Cleanse fast.
By days 4-5 I think the immune system kicks into high gear...increasing, stonger and more resistant. Thus cold subsides more rapidly and is far less a discomfort the majority of the time, I assertian.
I believe the first 4 days are the most crucial as the body is in shock initially.
To lessen the blow, I can't stress enough , the importance of sticking to the program...please don't skimp,skip or sqander. The more even of a pace you set , the smoother the cleanse. The rhythm so to speak.