Get Your Folate From Whole Food Sources Not Multi-Vitamins
I think that MOST veterans at curezone agree with the title statement of this story... I do agree with Mercola on this one, however as we know, we must work very hard to find high quality foods for ourselves and families.
A pair of recent studies released have shown how a lack of folate -- replenished easily and naturally by eating folate-rich whole foods -- can harm the health of athletes as well as young women and, quite possibly, their babies.
In one study, diets lacking in B-vitamins were responsible for athletes performing poorly during high-intensity exercise and a impaired ability to build and repair muscle tissue versus those rich in folate, thiamin, riboflavin and vitamins B-6 and B-12.
The CDC expressed serious concerns in its latest study on the rapid decline in folate levels among young women of childbearing age by as much as 16 percent. One unfortunate and preventable reason why some believe folate numbers are slipping: The epidemic of obesity plaguing our world that influences the way patients metabolize this essential vitamin.
It's important to remember, however, the real reason for dropping folate levels is NOT due to patients taking a mutli-vitamin or eating "enriched" processed foods. Instead, it's a deficiency of people eating FRESH, raw, high quality vegetables that makes all the difference.
Ideally, the best kind of vegetables you could eat may be found at small organic farms located near you. If you've been having difficulty finding a local source for your whole foods, you'll want to review my recent list of some great resources to locate farmers' markets and family farms near you.
USA Today January 4, 2007
MMWR January 5, 2007 Free Full Text Study
Science Daily December 27, 2006
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2006
MSNBC January 4, 2006