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Surgery won't SOLVE ALL your problems....
meezteekles Views: 1,431
Published: 18 y
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Surgery won't SOLVE ALL your problems....

Alot of surgeons do the surgery and claim that the pain may come back. Why? Because there may be stones left behind that "they weren't able to reach/get". JOB $$$ECURITY!!! You will get the $ame $ymptoms. Go back to get the $tuff that wa$ left there from the previou# $urgery out and be in pain and on pain killer$ that will jeopardize other organ$.

How do I do know this? I went through it! Before I knew of liverflushes or curezone I was brainwashed by doctors. I NEED this.

Had the surgery and also had a muscle punctured while the surgery. As doped and drugged up as I was I signed a waiver and on went the surgery. BIG MISTAKE.

I have done 5 Liver Flushes and cured myself. That second surgery I "NEEDED" to get the rest of the stuff out was cured by a liver flush.

I hope I've helped you.


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