Alot of surgeons do the surgery and claim that the pain may come back. Why? Because there may be stones left behind that "they weren't able to reach/get". JOB $$$ECURITY!!! You will get the $ame $ymptoms. Go back to get the $tuff that wa$ left there from the previou# $urgery out and be in pain and on pain killer$ that will jeopardize other organ$.
How do I do know this? I went through it! Before I knew of liverflushes or curezone I was brainwashed by doctors. I NEED this.
Had the surgery and also had a muscle punctured while the surgery. As doped and drugged up as I was I signed a waiver and on went the surgery. BIG MISTAKE.
I have done 5 Liver Flushes and cured myself. That second surgery I "NEEDED" to get the rest of the stuff out was cured by a liver flush.