Is there a financial issue that your mother can't provide more? Are you checking for possible new job opportunities close by that you can walk to? Don't know your situation, so please don't take offense, those may or may not be options. Can you offer to do the shopping and fix meals for her/family?
Add some cinnamon to your oatmeal
Take the bones from the chicken and turkey and make a stock, if you have ACV (good quality) available, add to the stock water to leech the minerals out and drink the stock for minerals. It doesn't sound like there is much in the way of vegs and I take it you are either vegetarian or vegan? Sometimes you just have to make due with what is available.
As to the OP, also be sure to cleanse around your mouth/chin after OP. Sometimes I've noticed that when I spit it out I get some oil on my chin area right below my mouth, I know should be more careful!