EFA's may be of benefit
As you know efa's are
1. not produced by the body and must be obtained from food;
2. essential for blood platelet aggregation, enzyme production, cell growth, and just about everything else.
These cold-pressed, extra-virgin oils we use for OP are the best sources for efa's.
"The phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer, with their polar, hydrophilic phosphate heads facing outwards, and their non-polar, hydrophobic fatty acid tails facing each other in the middle of the bilayer. This hydrophobic layer acts as a barrier to all but the smallest molecules, effectively isolating the two sides of the membrane. Different kinds of membranes can contain phospholipids with different fatty acids, affecting the strength and flexibility of the membrane, and animal cell membranes also contain cholesterol linking the fatty acids together and so stabilising and strengthening the membrane...lipids diffuse through membranes."
Platelet activation further results in the scramblase mediated transport of negatively charged phospholipids to the platelet surface.
The major site of EFA metabolism is in the liver, although it is believed that other tissues may have the capacity...Adult humans were not thought to develop EFA deficiency, however this condition does occur...Plasma fatty acids have been considered to reflect short-term dietary changes while red blood cells and platelets are considered to give a longer-term view of fatty acid status.
From a previous post by #64205, check out the "fatty-acids-% chart"