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Re: ozonated oil - 1 dose or two?
newport Views: 1,076
Published: 19 y
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Re: ozonated oil - 1 dose or two?

Not sure about the duration (in days) but can help you with the process...

Most important buy ORGANIC Mediterranean Extra-Virgin “expeller” pressed oil.
This oil is far finer in consistency and less viscous then the other stuff. It also contains fewer impurities so ozonating actually burns the oil instead of neutralizing the impurities…
Ozonate it for at least 30 minutes, I usually do it for ~45m, take your dosage chase with a bit of lime juice and freeze the rest.

Best to ozonate it in a tall spice container (glass) then move to a short wider mouth jar for freezing. You can take it out of the freezer for 3-4 minutes and scoop a tbsp for your next dosage, keep frozen...

Since the small spice jars only fit a few ounces (half full to allow bubbling) you should be out in 2-3 days anyhow and start again, you can thaw the old stuff and re-ozonate it in the next batch.

I usually do it morning and night for about 3-5 days, don't forget the L-Cysteine and also use buffered Vit-C throughout the day to stop any oxidization into cholesterol.



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