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Treating Asthma at the climatic stage
Treating Asthma at the climatic stage
This is a last resort treatment for asthma and should only be used if all else fails, it is at this point that you will get the most favorable results, most likely the patient will never have another asthma attack again because they will be healed by this treatment.
1. Start by giving the patient a cup of peppermint tea, this will act as a carmitive and an anti-spasmodic. Do not skip this step.
2. Give the patient a teaspoon of lobelia extract every 10 minutes, rarely will you have to give any patient more then three teaspoons of lobelia before they start to vomit. Have plenty of pails ready. The peppermint tea will make the vomiting painless.
3. The patient will vomit for about 3 hours, not continuously but over the three hour period. The patient will vomit which puts pressure on the lungs which allows the lungs to expel all kinds of "lovely stuff" (puss, tar, scabs, mucus, etc).
4. Once this crude is expelled from the lungs the patient will be able to breathe better then they ever could. Their lungs will heal and they will be healed.