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true easy cure
harmony1 Views: 1,098
Published: 19 y

true easy cure

promise it works,
buy food grade hydrogen peroxide and take it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Buy the flavored kind. It really does work.
But even more important is to fill a bathtub with water and pour 3 quart bottles of hydogen peroxide from any supermarket or drug store into the water.
Make sure the water is hot so it opens up your pores.
The oxygen from the peroxide gets into your body and destroys herpes.
You won't have to do it forever. Try to do it a couple of times per week and taper off after a bit.
I have suffered for over 20 years and can't tell you the pain i have gone through in my nerves on the inner thighs almost every day of my life for the past 20 years. If I drank or did anything to lower my immune system, the outbreaks would also come.
I promised God if it worked that I would put my posting on this website.
God Bless. IT is a permanent cure.


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