I have not been sick in over 2 years after flushing and cleansing, no colds , no flu.
Last night I did a flush. After the first dose of Epsom Salts , about and hour, I started to 'flush', Some stones, green and tan and then mostly chaff. After the second bartch of ep's, same thing. I continued on with the oil/grapefruit protocol, and 2 more doses of salts as directed.
My question.. Is it possible to Liver Flush with just the Epsom Salts ?, as this seems to be what happend to me. Is it still necessary to take the olive oil and grapefruit or can one just cleanse with the epsom slats?, if it appears to work. I am 'clear' totaly now, a bit of tan dust is all, generaly,very clear. I feel great..