Last April, (2003) I was giving my talk at a symposium in New Jersey... My talk was titled: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Eaters. I met a young man, age 35 who had been suffering from Crohn's Disease for over 15 years. He had suffered through two surgeries, (to remove diseased sections of his small intestine)was constantly in pain and very uncomfortable, and on at least four different medications. He started working with me right away. Within three months he had experienced dramatic improvement and was having regular, normal looking bowel movements. In January, 2004 he went to his doctor to have a complete GI checkup, and they could not see any trace of his Crohn's disease! Michael is a very happy man these days. I would be happy to send you his story. email me at or call me directly at 413-536-0275.
I am a Health Educator and Nutrition Counselor. I am the director of client services for The Center for Functional Nutrition in South Hadley, MA.