7th Flush absolutely amazing!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
I just completed my 7th liver cleanse and I am happy to report that I lost hundreds of stones of various sizes and colors. This time I started my day with 1 lemon that I quartered and blended with about 10 oz's of steamed distilled water, and 4 teaspoons of xylitol. After it was blended, I strained the pulp. I added the pulp to about 8 ozs of the lemonade with 2 shakes of cayenne pepper and 1 tablespoon of evoo. I blended this mixture thoroughly and drank it.
I only had 2 doses of espom salts the night before. At 10pm, I took 3/4 cups of
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil in one glass and the juice of 1 lemon and some of the lemonade in the other. I alternated between drinking the two. This was a struggle, but I managed to do it without getting sick. I layed down and slept like a baby.
The next morning, I took 2 enemas and with each one I dumped hundreds of stones. This was one of the best cleanses I have done to date. After that I went to my doctor and had a Vitamin C drip. I came home, ate, drank lots of peppermint tea and water and stayed in bed the rest of the day.
I'm going to try this again in two weeks to see if I get the same results.
Happy healing!