Re: New and Old Tinnitus Sufferer with a question about T gone
Hi Molly,
Long time no respond. Well, to tell the truth I've been depressed. This whole new bout with tinnitus has really gotten to me. I admit that at the moment, I'm on the ropes with this thing. My positive, generally optimistic nature has temporarily given way to dark thoughts and downright despair. Oh, I'll get over it in time, but this is really hard stuff. I've entered an acute state where the T has really kicked up to an almost unbearable degree. It's the kind of screeching whine in both ears that is really beyond anything I ever had to go through on my last go round of 10 years ago. I haven't been able to work much, as it involves listening, and critical listening is simply impossible at the moment. I am, if anything, avoiding music in large doses. I have to teach but it has been hard to concentrate nd I am afraid my teaching has suffered for it.
Also, my relatioship with my dear sweet lady friend has been under stress due to this. Oh I'm nice enough to her as I always am, But she can sense the underlying strain on my psyche. You know, I really am a generally happy , optimistic sort of guy. But when not feeling well, I can really lose my sunny outlook. And this is a tough one. I don't believe i've ever had T like this-its simply off the charts. I honestly don't know how people cope with this, because i don't think I can.
I keep telling myself, this too shall pass, but then I wonder, will it? Will I be able to beat it this time and if not, can I adjust to this level of T? By the way, I read that report on the musician who used vincoceptine to beat his tinntus. I've been taking the Source naturals brand for a number of days now with no change in my condition. I will continue with it until I use it up.
I am beginning to think I should probably go to a counselor who is familar with the emotional consequences of T and also perhaps get some hypnosis. I was able to beat a phobic reaction that I had with just a couple of sessions, so who knows? I have heard hypnosis can be effective with T.
Thanks for allowing me to email you directly. I will do that shortly. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but sometimes when I go through something like this I get extremely introverted and sort of retire to my cave. My parents were worried about me because I stopped calling. I didn't want to worry them, but in not calling, I worried them anyway.
Well, as you can see, I'm a bit lost at the moment. Thanks for listening and I do hope we can stay in contact.