"By the way after using distilled water for almost a year, the swelling in my wrists, elbows and hands has gone down. I can breathe much easier, and rarely have a wheezing attack (my doctor was afraid I would develop adult onset asthma). I now choose to drink water, where I used to drink anything (usually Coke or DR. Pepper) to avoid water. For me distilled water is a very good thing indeed."
Great you're getting symptom relief. Part of the improvements you're seeing are probably due to the fact you're *substituting* the water for the soft drinks (very acidic!). IOW it also has to do with what you're avoiding- not just the switch to distilled water. Carbonated beverages are a must to avoid for those of us more prone to acidity. It takes many glasses of alkaline or mineralized water to compensate for one can of pop.