Heal Addictions Naturally with the help of Amino Acids
Heal Addictions Naturally with the help of Amino Acids
People with a wide variety of addictive or compulsive behaviors, including substance abuse, smoking, overeating and even Tourette’s syndrome, have a biological similarity in the brain related to dopamine deficiency. This deficiency replaces feelings of contentment with undirected anger, anxiety and other unpleasant emotions. Sufferers crave any substance that has released them from their discomfort.
Serotonin and endorphins are part of a biochemical cascade that results in the release of dopamine, so boosting these two neurotransmitters can also boost the production of dopamine and reduce cravings. Nutrition plays a critical role in healing addictions, not only because key nutrients can help to normalize neurotransmitter deficiencies that spur cravings, but also because addictions themselves cause nutrient depletion and tissue damage. The harmful physiological effects of addictions are well-known: Excessive caffeine can damage neurotransmitters in the brain; alcohol damages the liver and kidneys and can cause high blood pressure; nicotine raises blood pressure and the risk of cancer and cataracts; and too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.
Amino acids are critical nutritional components for addressing the biochemical cause of an addiction. These neurological building blocks can quickly change an inner landscape from clouds to rainbows, and it’s common for people with addictions to be deficient. The type of amino acid you need depends on your deficiency symptoms. A craving for alcohol, for example, may mean you need glutamine, while a lack of energy may signal that your body needs tyrosine. Amino acids are critical for stopping cravings because they are important components of the neurotransmitters that tell the brain whether or not you are satisfied. Take a look at the list of deficiency symptoms to determine whether you may benefit from amino-acid supplementation. Aminos often come in 500-mg doses. Start with one, wait an hour, and if needed, gradually increase the dosage by 500 mg, up to 3,000 mg. Stop if you have any adverse reactions. When taking aminos, be sure to also take 50 mg of B6 twice a day (a total of 100 mg), 500 mg of magnesium and a B-complex supplement (note: Usually 50 mg of B6 are contained in a B-complex supplement). Aminos should be taken at least 20 minutes before and 90 minutes after a meal of protein, or your body will use them as food, and they won’t get into your brain. One note of caution: People using MAO-inhibitors should not take amino acids. According to Ross, most patients taking selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft) can take amino acids without problems, provided they are under Their physician’s care.
Deficiency Symptoms
-Cravings for sugar, starch or alcohol
-Reduced mental stability
Addictive Substances Used
-Sweets -Starch -Alcohol
Amino-Acid Therapy
Neurotransmitter Produced
-Emergency fuel source for entire brain
-promotes calm, stable, alert brain function
Deficiency Symptoms
-Lack of energy
-Lack of drive
-Lack of focus, concentration
-Attention-deficit disorder
Addictive Substances Used
-Sweets -Marijuana -Starch -Caffeine -Chocolate -Cocaine -Aspartame -Speed -Alcohol -Tobacco
Amino-Acid Therapy
Neurotransmitter Produced
Dopamine/Nor epinephrine
promotes arousal, energy, mental focus and drive
Deficiency Symptoms
-Stiff and tense muscles
-Stressed and burned out
-Unable to relax, loosen up
Addictive Substances Used
-Sweets -Marijuana -Starch -Valium -Tobacco -Alcohol
Amino-Acid Therapy
(with relaxing aminos taurine and glycine, if needed)
Neurotransmitter Produced
(promotes calmness and relaxation)
Deficiency Symptoms
-Very sensitive to emotional or physical pain -Cry easily -Crave comfort, reward or numbing treats -'Love' certain foods or drugs
Addictive Substances Used
-Sweets -Heroin -Starch -Marijuana -Chocolate -Alcohol
Amino-Acid Therapy
Neurotransmitter Produced
promotes psychological and physical pain relief, pleasure, reward, loving feelings and numbness
Deficiency Symptoms
-Negativity, depression, anxiety, rage -Heat intolerance -Panic, phobias -Afternoon or evening cravings -Fibromyalgia -Insomnia, disturbed sleep
Addictive Substances Used
-Sweets -Starch -Tobacco -Chocolate -Ecstasy -Marijuana
Amino-Acid Therapy
Neurotransmitter Produced
-promotes emotional stability and self-confidence