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10th flush
tug Views: 1,615
Published: 19 y
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10th flush

i just finished my 10th liver flush. i mostly go by Andreas Moritz cleanse. this time i did it a little different cuz i read a lot of post. i was just so sick and tired of drinking the epson salt and the olive oil so i mixed the epson salt with apple juice, this made it more tolerable. i mixed the olive oil with lemon and coke. i did the castor oil pack every night for the week and again during the actual flush. i feel this has really produced better results for me. i got some really big stones, the size of a dime. i have been reading this forum for about a year and have never posted. i have read both sides of the subject about if these are really stones or are they cuz of the bile and olive oil mixture. well, my opinion is they are real. the stuff that comes out of me after a flush is very different from anything i've ever seen. also when i use chanca peidra for the month before the flush my stones are sooooo much smaller hence i believe it acts as a stone breaker. i'm 44 years old (female)and had no real major health issues prior to starting the flushes. one of the biggest differences is the seasonal allergies which are 95% gone. i used to sneeze several times a day and when i did it would be about 20 times in a row. this is a hige difference. i'm not sure if this is a combination of things though. i have also improved my diet, done colon hydrotherapy many many times, and followed a lot of Andreas Moritz recommendations around not drinking liquids around meal time as well as switching to the Sea Salt that he recommends and i drink hot water with honey(local) and lemon every moring and evening so it's hard to say what it was that helped or if it's just a combination. anyways just wanted to post and share what works for me. i do feel very discouraged when i hear that people have had to do 50 or more flushes, i am tempted to do a health consultation with andreas to see how many more i'll have to do but it is expensive. i realize everyone is different and i did have a poor diet for many years (lived on devil dogs as a kid) i am also going to start having my Amalgams out in january. i'm doing it slowely, over approximately 4 years as this too is expensive. i watched my best friend die of leukemia at 39 so i know it's worth the expense and the occassional hassle. well, sorry for the long post, blessings! tug


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