Re: Annoying sense of NO feeling in toes, soles of feet, fingers
Hi Starapple
Thank you for your message about your husband and his unusual feelings or lack of feeling.
I will address your question from a few different points of view:
1. It could be that your husband has become sensitive to energies and when his feet feel like glue he is sensing the aura energy around his feet after a heightened experience.
To sense the aura he may be raising his body’s vibration and feeling the energy of himself at a different level. When you lower your vibration back to normal the body can feel very heavy like glue. This change in frequency can also leave one feeling like you have growth pains as the energies adjust to the new status quo.
Again with the hands not feeling buttons – when ones energies are working at a higher vibration you are moving more into your Spiritual body. You are more sensitive to the aura and are more aware of your angelic nature rather than the physical body. In this heightened state you can almost feel that your hands can pass through solid objects.
Because your husband maybe experiencing this he would find it difficult to feel solid object on the old way. In this state he should be able to use his hands in the normal way to fasten his buttons but it will feel different energetically.
2. The other answer may be that your husband has had a mild stroke and has lost some of the nerve connections to the brain?
I prefer answer 1. myself but I will leave it up to you to give more feedback.