Re: To The Best Of My Knowledge
Thanks for your helpful explanation and opinion. Being new to this, I indeed thought the zapper and Beck's stimulator are the same thing.
From what I gather, it is not so much that the electrical current would have a direct effect on herbs and vitamins, but rather that the electo-stimulation process makes our cell membranes more porous, thus making the effect of the supplements exponentionally more powerful.
Acc. to the manual, Beck's stimulator has a frequency of ~3.92 Hz (cycles per second) +/-1 Hz, Bi-Phasic Square wave @ 27 Volts peak per cycle. The Maximunm current through the electrodes is ~13 milliamperes into 1,000 ohms, ~23 milliamperes into short circuit ai 27 peak per cycle. How does this compare to the zapper?
If I want to stick to my herbs, I may consider getting a zapper and forget about Beck's.