You are right. He was a nursed baby and had normal bowels until I stopped nursing him and then he later started having problems with constipation. He has never been a good drinker, so that's what I thought was the problem. Now he is under the care of a DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctor for a metabolic disorder he has. We have been trying to get his bowels corrected, and he does have normal bowels most of the time with at least one movement a day. I have also been giving him Cultrelle (lactobacillus GG) at the advice of a gastro doctor.
I just don't know what he is missing with regards to his bowels that would straighten out his tonsils/adenoids.
How do I find a holistic doctor in my area? Is there a website that I could do a search? We are in a rural area.
Also, could you recommend a reference book for Chinese medicine?