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Re: Goodness Gracious GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! #14
joylovepeace Views: 1,845
Published: 19 y
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Re: Goodness Gracious GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! #14

wow! sounds like you are on your way, thanks for all the great details.

Have you tried drinking potassium broths for the swollen skin? Sound like your body is holding on to sodium and potassium is a great way to decrease sodium. I just boil and then simmer alot of potato skins then I juice and drink the rest of the potato, I as opposed to someone with too much sodium have to take some extra salt with the broth because it decreases my sodium/potassium ratio too much. Also you could try the potassium chloride (lite salt from the grocery store) but this has chloride which could upset other mineral balances.

Also curious about your scars that are fading-were they red marks or actual indented scars? Congrats and thanks!



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