Bemmer and Cookiejar, just FYI on Blastocystis / Candida plans
Bemmer and Cookiejar, just some FYI on where I am with the Blastocystis / Candida plans:
I just recovered from an unrelated health setback (dental infection), so I haven't yet started my special
Antibiotics for the blastocystis - and now that the holidays are just about here, I'm going to wait until January to do it.
But, I'm using this time to do more work on reducing candida - because (IMPORTANT for us) I read that the special
Antibiotic program for blastocystis has a better chance of working if that person does NOT at the same time have a bad candida problem.
Anything to get that special
Antibiotic program to work! So, here I am, planning a candida diet and taking all kinds of anti-candida things.
Just thought I'd pass that along to you both.