Maryellen...My son
Thought I'd start a new thread that other one is getting confusing. Thanks for the info about the Kale Drs. That is encouraging. I looked up Kale on-line and found some Drs. and some info on it. I ran this by my son and his response was "I went to a chiropractor before.. didn't help". I tried to explain that this is a different kind of spinal adjustment but he doesn't appear to be open to it right now. Maybe later we can try to go there again.
Since I last wrote you I talked to my son...He actually called crying that his stomach hurt like someone was stabbing him with a knife. Told me he is now taking vioxx & sulfasalazine. He has to get his white blood cell count tested every 2 weeks...I believe because of the sulfa... I just can't even imagine taking anything that might damage my body like that. So now he's taking the above meds AND herbs which my N.D. told him to take. I called the N.D and she says the sulfa... is working against the acidofilus(sp)...sounds to me like making his candida even worse ? She is giving him stuff to build his joints and immune system and work on the candida. The Dr. is giving him this other stuff, which BTW is making his legs feel better, but I feel it's just a bandaid. It's making me crazy.
He's so tired of hurting that right now he can't see that something that makes him feel good today may be doing serious damage in a long run.
I'd really like to get him started on zapping but now with the white blood cell thing and all this other stuff combined I'm not sure. What do you think ? I don't know if zapping could affect white blood cells that may be "weakened"?? by the sulfalazine ?
Maryellen, I also wanted to thank you again for all the thoughtful and super informative advice you give and your time. It really means a lot to me.
Thank You !!
P.S. I like your little gifs. I'm going to attempt to post one here.