Dear Angelofeventide,Thanks for that.I seem to have identical health problems to you, and as I am in southern England would have difficulty consulting Jeff Sherman in Colorado Springs USA. However I have just purchased a very well written E-book by Ian Solley of Southern England who previously suffered from CFS/Candida. This book is 88pages packed with information. He suggests treatment along the same lines as Jeff and many things have been made clear to me, and filled in the gaps in my knowledge.The most interesting [to me]is that he does not believe candida can be perminantly reduced until heavy metals have been eliminated from the gut, as it grows in the mucus produced by the vili to prevent absorption of metals into the bloodstream.
The E-book is downloadable on and costs £9.99, which at the present rate of exchange makes it near $20.00 for you guys across the pond.Ian says he can be contacted for advice. Considering the price of suppliments it's a good deal.[I have no connection to Ian Solley]Good Luck, Love and Light, Deotima.