Re: zapping deformed legs Too Clary
Hi Clary,
IMO zapping your son would do wonders for him. Avoid the area where the pin is. I have a metal implant in one arm -- I void that arm when zapping. In the past when I zapped that wrist, the implant would get very hot. Whether it caused harm is unknown, but just to be safe, I avoid it [as per David Amrein].
The herbs would be very beneficial for your son also. Certain herbs can even help him get off the alcohol; a good B complex will help. Probably he drinks because of the pain. I went through that myself.
Now, I don't feel the 'need' for alcohol except for an occasional quick evening meal. {A beer or wine is assimilated as food in moderation}
If you can get the new zapper with program drivers, it takes the guess work out. There is an
Arthritis driver and a BODY SWEEP driver as well as many others.
btw -- I knew a young man who was extremely bow-legged. He was getting worse and worse until he could hardly walk. Then he was adjusted by a KALE Upper Cervical Specific chiropractor and his legs straightened! Can you imagine the surgeon's shock when he saw his patient's leg bones straightening? The surgeon thought it was a miracle of God. I agree. The innate doctor which is created in us works when the nerve passages are unblocked. Did your son suffer a traumatic birth? an upper cervical injury in school or on that skateboard?