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Zapper News
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Zapper News

The following was sent to me in my email.
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I was most interested in what was said about the velcro straps used with the Zappers.
ISSUE 12 - February 2003

ZapTimes brings you news from Arthur & Lyn Doerksen. We
feature tips and recipes to help you keep healthy, stories from
our wonderful customer family, and updates on Dr. Hulda Clark
and other health innovators.

(If you received this in error, please click here to unsubscribe)


Welcome - ZapTimes List Disaster

New Product - BarleyMax

Big Idea - Can YOU Help?

Zapper Q and A - Wrist Bands

Natural Health Warning - Small Pox Shot

Feature Article - New England Journal of Medicine
Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy.

Recipe - Cilantro Pesto Recipe (Chelation Pesto)

Read Our Mail


Welcome to our new ZapTimes subscribers, and a few great
folks we sent this to by mistake. It is great to work with
people becoming more interested in natural health. We enjoy
learning as much as possible, and love to share with you tips
and things that have worked for us..

ZapTimes regulars may have wondered what happened to us.
Unfortunately,, who used to host our
newsletter, had a glitch, lost our entire ZapTimes e-mail list,
and made it impossible for us to communicate with them,
much less recover the list. We are starting all over again!

We have reconstructed the list as best we can, and we
ask that you forgive us if this is sent to you in error.
However, every day we are adding more thoughtful
people who visit, or call us asking to be
included. Thank you for your patience. You are wonderful!
Please click here to unsubscribe if you do not wish to
receive ZapTimes (despite its obvious wisdom and value!)


BarleyMax is a brand new green drink (whole food
concentrate) that Arthur and I use with great results.
Hallelujah Acres has come up with the finest quality,
dehydrated barley juice product on the market today. It is a
live, enzyme-rich combination of 80% juice of the young barley
plant, and 20% alfalfa juice.

BarleyMax has remarkable qualities which make it a
easy choice for kick-starting your immune system.

BarleyMax is certified 100% organic and kosher. The taste
beats any other green drink that we have tried (imagine the
taste of a fresh blade of grass nibbled while lying on your
back watching clouds...). Our kids do not gag when taking it.
As a bonus, BarleyMax costs a lot less than Barleygreen
or BarleyLife, and the nutritional and enzyme counts are far

BarleyMax contains no maltodextrin. Some people
wondered why the former Barleygreen and BarleyLife
products we used to sell did not agree with their
system, and why some were not getting the benefits they
expected. We found out that maltodextrin made up 33-50%
of these other drinks. Maltodextrin is derived from corn, and
many people's bodies cannot tolerate malt or corn products.
Also, we found out that maltodextrin is not necessary, and
you get better results without it. The kelp in Barleygreen was
actually burned to ash and used only to balance pH. The
brown rice was cooked brown rice, and so these two
ingredients were useless nutritionally. BarleyMax contains
only organic barley and alfalfa juice, no filler.

Why alfalfa? Farmers know that alfalfa is one of the most
nutritionally dense foods they can feed their animals.
"Prescription for Nutritional Healing" on page 49 reads, "One of
the most mineral-rich foods known, alfalfa has roots that
grow as much as 130 feet into the earth. It contains
calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, plus all known
vitamins. These minerals are in a balanced form, which
promotes absorption. These minerals are alkaline, but have
a neutralizing effect on the intestinal tract. Alfalfa...has
been found to aid in all healing of intestinal ulcers, gastritis,
liver disorders, eczema, hemorrhoids, asthma, high blood
pressure, anemia, constipation, body and breath odor,
bleeding gums, infections, burns, athlete's foot, and cancer."
Under the category of actions and uses, we read, "Alkalizes
and detoxifies the body. Acts as a diuretic, eases
inflammation, lowers cholesterol, balances hormones, and
promotes pituitary gland function. Also contains an
antifungal agent. Good for anemia, bleeding-related
disorders, bone and joint disorders, colon and digestive
disorders, skin disorders, and ulcers". WOW! I think I'll go
upstairs and get a glass right now!

There's more. Daniel B. Mowrey, PhD states in his book,
Herbal Tonic Therapies, that alfalfa brings many health
benefits because it is a tonic for the kidneys, liver, digestion,
prostate, reproductive organs, glands and muscles.

The reason Arthur & I go for a whole food concentrate
vs. isolated vitamins and minerals is that all the necessary
co-nutrients are there for proper absorption and assimilation
by the body. Remember - it's not what you eat, but what
you absorb of what you eat that counts. BarleyMax comes with a full 100%

We have several cases of BarleyMax coming next week.
Check out Hallelujah Acres' website at
for the nutritional breakdown and enzyme activity chart. Our
price for the large jar (2 month supply) is $40 US ($60 Cdn).
Buy 2 bottles and the shipping is free. Please e-mail, or phone 1-888-533-7007.

P.S. February special on BarleyMax - $5 off if you order
from us this month and mention that you read about it in
the newsletter!!!

BIG IDEA - Can You Help?

We have a heart to get the zapper over into Africa and other
needy areas of the world. We have tried a number of
avenues, and so far have been minimally successful. We
have a number of zappers that are "sitting" in different parts
of Africa doing nothing - the people there are not informed,
and do not know the power of the zapper for things like
malaria, hepatitis, parasitic infestations etc. We are looking
at places in the Third World and Asia where people are
dying needlessly, and where they would be open to trying an
alternative approach.

If anyone has a good connection with an open-minded
doctor/nurse/clinic/medical facility who would be willing to
work with us, we would love to hear from you. We would be
willing to send over some zapper units in exchange for
documentation/results that are observed. What a great
opportunity for somebody. We are so open to seeing what
God can do in the poorer areas of the world especially.
Arthur has the design for the Big Zap, which can handle 20
people at the same time and can even adapt to solar power
or other forms of energy which are available on location. We
would especially like to get into an AIDS clinic, or place
where traditional drugs and therapies have not been

Please e-mail us at if you can help. Thanks!

Zapper Q and A
We get hundreds of phone calls, and many people ask the
same questions. Here are popular questions this month:

"Why are some zappers cheaper than the Auto-Zap?"
Because you get what you pay for. The Auto-Zap is a fully
automatic, rugged, efficient unit with a 3 month, full 100%
money-back guarantee, and a 5 year parts and labor
warranty. It is a lifetime purchase, not a disposable.

"Why don't you supply wrist bands?" Because they do
NOT work well. We tested them six years ago and found
them inadequate, and the latest versions are no better. I
tried some from Dr. Clark Research Association last month -
I got red welts on my wrists after using them. There are
three problems with current wrist bands:

1. Inadequate contact area: they contact best at the
outer and inner edges of the wrist, not on the flat top
and bottom areas. Handholds and foot pads give
much larger contact area.

2. Inadequate contact pressure: the straps cannot
press hard enough to firmly contact the top and
bottom of the wrist, or they would cut off circulation
to the hand.

3. Inadequate moisture to ensure good contact: it is
very difficult to keep the wrist band contact area
moist for the duration of the zapping session. Dr.
Clark recommends keeping damp paper towel layers
between skin and contact to prevent ions from being
driven into the skin. This is very inconvenient to do
with wrist bands.

See more zapper questions and answers at

We are hearing about the small pox vaccination program
planned for the US in the news every week. In the Health
Sciences Institute e-Alert, they explain that the smallpox
vaccine is still classified as an investigational new drug,
which has not been tested for safety and efficacy. The
possible side effects include paralysis, brain damage, and

The people most vulnerable to the side-effects of the smallpox
vaccine are: people with immune deficiency, anyone
fighting cancer or chronic diseases, anyone with eczema,
and pregnant women. Small children could experience brain
swelling resulting in permanent retardation or death.

In the book "When Every Moment Counts" by Bill Frist he
states "Of every million people who receive the vaccine, two
to four people will die from its complications. Five times that
number will become seriously ill from the vaccine."

Is this worth it? It is so important to actively take steps to
maintain a healthy immune system - by excellent food
choices, exercising, reducing stress, and using every tool we
have to boost our health.

ARTICLE OF THE WEEK - New England Journal of
Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer
Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
December 26th, 2002

Times are a-changin' in the US Health community. Who
would have believed that the prestigious New England
Journal of Medicine would APPLAUD an Alternative Cancer
Therapy, and in the same article, BLAST chemotherapy, as

Well, it happened... in the December 12th, 2002 issue, in a
review by James Spencer Malpas, M.D., D.Phil., St.
Bartholomew's Hospital London EC1A 7BE, United
Kingdom. You can find the article in the Journal at, if
you're willing to fork over the ten bucks.

For those of you that don't want to spend the ten, here are
the quotes...

Quote #1 - "He found the evidence in favor of conventional
treatment unconvincing and opted for such alternative
therapies as Gerson therapy with its strict diet, vitamins, and
enemas. High-dose vitamin C and high-dose vitamin D, both
contraindicated in the orthodox treatment of multiple
myeloma, were later added to the regimen. What is evident
is that this was the right therapy for him."

Quote #2 - "The irony of the whole situation is that a recent
randomized trial of treatment for stage 1 multiple myeloma
by Riccardi and colleagues (British Journal of Cancer
2000;82:1254-60) showed no advantage of conventional
chemotherapy over no treatment."

Tim Bolen
Consumer Advocate

This "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter" is
about the battle between "Health and Medicine" on Planet
Earth. For EVEN MORE interesting and related articles go to

RECIPES - Cilantro Chelation Pesto

Cilantro is really a member of the carrot family, and most
people either love it or hate it.

Acupuncturist Dr. Yoshiaki Omura discovered almost by
accident that the leaves of cilantro (or coriander plant)
could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead and
aluminum from the body. He found that after amalgam
fillings were removed, using all the precautions available to
prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam, that
significant amounts were later found in the individual's lungs,
kidneys, endocrine organs, liver and heart. Just by
taking cilantro, his patients were free and clear of
mercury in 3 weeks. (Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 96;21

I have recommended this to others, and I take lots of
cilantro myself for this very reason.
Cilantro Chelation Pesto Recipe
1 clove garlic
½ cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tbsp. lemon juice
6 tbsp. olive oil

Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the
cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and
process to a lumpy paste. (You may need to add a touch of
hot water and scrape the sides of the blender.) You can
change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil
and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It
freezes well, so you can make several batches at once.)
Try a couple of teaspoons a day for two to three weeks once
or twice a year.

Cilantro Dressing (from Recipes for Life by Rhonda
Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres Publishing)
¼ cup raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 cup fresh cilantro stems and/or leaves
4 cloves of organic raw garlic
2 Tbsp. raw unfiltered honey

Put into blender and process until desired consistency of
dressing is reached.

We made this dressing last evening and it was totally
delicious. I used ½ cup oil and ½ cup water, and added a
little agar thickener. Arthur finished it up in his lunch today.


"Hello Arthur and Lyn,
We pray God bless you and your wonderful ministry. And we
hope to get the honor of meeting the man who builds the
Auto-Zap when we get out there. We use your zapper
practically every day and believe it is all that keeps us from
staying sick in this polluted environment! That and God's
grace of course.
Sincerely, JH"

".My friend in Texas is now using the zapper for lupus and
her pain is greatly diminishing. She is now working on her
diet. CG"

Note: We love your testimonial letters. They encourage all
of us. If you can spare some time, drop us an e-mail and let
us know the state of your health since getting on the zapper.
Write to

That wraps it up for now. Thank you for allowing us into your
home once again. We really appreciate you!

To order BarleyMax, call us toll free at 1-888-533-7007 or
see This is our best
health insurance - we take it every day.

Have a wonderful day!
Arthur and Lyn Doerksen

P.S. February special on BarleyMax - $5 off if you order
from us this month and mention that you read about it in
the newsletter!!!

P.P.S. Have a sick friend? Why not forward this to them?

The Auto-Zap ZAPPER - the Rolls Royce of Zappers, at a
Honda price. See
Improve your memory and mental acuity, heal the pain of
arthritis, have fewer bad moods - Check out!
ARTHRITIS? Natural Product Helps Activate Your Body's
Natural Killer Cells.
E-mail us at for free information and a tape.
We'll send it right out!


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