Re: Need some help
Hi Angie
Try buckwheat. It is a grain that is safe to use while on the candida diet. You can get the flour at health food stores and makes pancakes and other things with it. Down below on the journey posted some great recipes.
If you eat some buckwheat each day you will gain the weight back.
Depression can be a physical part of candida, try getting on a good calcium magnesium supplement as candida drains the body of magnesium and this can cause depression. Also try vitamin b5.
Upset stomach is most likely related to constipation. While killing off candida you must make sure to keep bowels moving or toxins build up adn make you sick. Drink lots of water, take vitamin c, psyllium fiber and the magnesium will also help. Take 400 milligrams of magnesium per day.
Also, diet alone usually dose not work well. Find an antifungal. Try either garlic ( raw) olive leaf extract, caprylic acid, SF722,
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract ( grapefruit SEED Extract).
Headaches , bad mem eory brain fog...caused by candida. Again take magnesium, B5 vitamin c and drink lots of water and get the bowels moving. Even if you must do an enema.