--Oil Pulling--Does it work ?--
Hi Ya'll,
As in anything many people are always seeking something new and exciting to try !
Oil pulling sounds like a strange idea at first to many people, so it may be exciting to join in on the fun for awhile ?
The question is does oil pulling work and if so , "WHY" does it work ?
And is there something else which may work better ?
First let us examine the mouth and consider what the pH of the Saliva should be for someone who is Healthy with enough Alkaline Mineral Reserves and the saliva reading is on the Alkaline side because of the Reserves of Alkaline Minerals, and not from too much Protein of the Alkaline Isotope !
The pH of the saliva should be up around 6.8 -7.4 pH which is toward the Alkaline side !
"IF" the Saliva is on the Alkaline side as it should be, then Please tell me just how the Teeth which are supposed to be made with Calcium and other Alkaline Minerals is going to Break down without any kind of Acids Reacting against them ?
In other words, as long as the saliva is of the Alkaline Nature, then even when you eat Acid foods, the Saliva is going to Neutralize any Acids left in the mouth from this food, so the teeth may continue to stay healthy !
But , "IF" the person is Sick and Diseased and thus the Saliva is on the Acidic side at any time because of this, then the teeth may be bathing in Acids as long as the Saliva is too Acidic, and this may allow the teeth to start to break down and decay !
So, the problem of tooth decay and Gum problems may be Directly Related to the body not getting the needed Alkaline Minerals it may need to Keep the Saliva pH up in the Alkaline ranges !
So, this is the point in which most people are, of their saliva pH being too Acidic and thus when these people decide to do Oil pulling, some may get Positive results and others may not !
So, what could be the reason for these Different results ?
As some of the experts in Oil pulling may tell you, that "IF" you do not change your Diet to provide your body with the needed Alkaline Minerals, then you may not get the most Positive Lasting results from Oil pulling !
"WHY" may this be so ?
What can Oil pulling help with and how ?
Oil has the ability to absorb Acids !
"IF" you use a Top Quality oil which has not had all of the Alkaline Minerals removed from it, then this oil may also add these Alkaline Minerals to your teeth and gum areas and assist in your recovery !
Because this oil may Help absorb the Acids around in the mouth, and this in it's self may "STOP" tooth problems from being so Bad !
So, what we are dealing with is a method in which one may Help Buffer the teeth and Gum areas enough to keep the pH in the mouth up enough to help the teeth and gums to start recovery !
But, "IF" you do not learn to internally supply your body with the needed Alkaline Minerals to supply your teeth from the Roots up and the Gums from the bottom of the gums up, then your long term benefits may come up Lacking in the oil pulling areas of Life !
It still all boils down to the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles of which everything in the entire universe is controlled by !
Smile Tis your choice.