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Re: new to making home CS
vitaminB17 Views: 854
Published: 19 y
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Re: new to making home CS

hi fragrance, i guess you didn't see johnny apple bomb's reply to my question. he said one battery works but the electrodes come out cleaner with 27V. i'm going by what DR. Beck himself has done...which is one battery. i just started doing this less than a week ago so i don't really have anything to report other than i'm still alive. i looked on the 'net for 27V batteries and they do exist. but a 9V has the 2 terminals (+ and -) the 27V has one bump on an end so a little extra wiring needs to be involved. i'm not going to worry so much about it right now and keep using the 9V.
have you seen the dr. beck lecture video where he goes about explaining everything? it's on the conspiracycentral website for download. google conspiracycentral and it will take you there. it's a little confusing to maneuver around there so let me know if you run into trouble finding it. basically after you login before you search you have to click on the link that says index...once you do that you can then get results for your search. i need to get back into eating apricot seeds again. i eat apple seeds when i have apples but that's not very often either. i like this colloidal idea a lot and it's easy to make. just make sure your silver is .999 or .9999 and you're good to go. oh, and you have to buy a 9V connector too. that's the thing that snaps onto the battery like in a radio, etc. just buy one at an electric store...connect one silver to + and one silver to - and make sure the silver isn't touching each other once in the you're good to go.

be well


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