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never easy when you need it to be--Finallyfaith? see above question
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never easy when you need it to be--Finallyfaith? see above question

Pauletter, when I read your words yesterday I was so touched. Then this morning, when there were no answers or suggestions about the minerals, well, Damn, "family" often lets you down.

I've got jury summons due today (did't 'get' it till Sat) immunization "how to write letter so I don't have to have my son immunized for school", and a 17 year old in crisis TODAY, I have lots of personal pain, and I was REALLY was hoping that either cz family or my memory or paperwork would 'cough' up the name of the mineral company.

I've got to learn not to have expectations of "friends". Or perhaps have more expectations. I am going to make myself some food, try to be grateful instead of hurt that no one responded, and check again after I'm fed. It is always more of a challange when one is in physical pain, and I am. My 21 year old is watching a movie. She was my confrontation this morning, and even though I told her I was overwhelmed, she takes care of herself first. It feels selfish, but since it is what I am trying to learn to do.....sigh.....I told her I was in pain, my period hasn't come in 2 months, and that I was touchy, and she cut me as much slack as her dad does. At least we communicated. She holds it in, doesn't REALLY accept herself, and it is a good distraction to watch a movie. I helped her like crazy when....I'll let it go. I need to feel grateful and this is wasting what little time I have.


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