Dicky or Dickey
Things in games are hemmed by men and take the controls by men. Times and themes are conducted by chances and mended by men with handles.
Situations take on times that come to control things in games for every ones involving our conditions worth.
All are sixes and sevens are men to deal on those to all.
Now our machines cycles are taken by brains.
Feel as good or feel on sides.
Themes on things and things on games are nearly locked to deaths.
Johnny spots and jacks in trades are common strap on to nudes.
Needy for scents of flowers are traps to bees and take the waxes of bees.
Got promote and got the questions who are whom on tops of pines.
Got success and got my answers with Darwin.
Got to go as trick are times to times.
Just and too the times are fates.
Gods will give on rises when pillows are there.
Apples faults have apple cinders.
Powers change our gods with backs on crosses.
Confer eyes are bull to eyes.
Dickey bows are dibs on dickey.
Dickey –dickey dibs on Dickey.
Dickey bows! Dickey bows!
Dickey got the kings.
Then Dickey got the cadre pinks.
Cauchy3 got no Cauchy3 minds.
Dickey got the dickey mines.
Verses on other fates Tom Jones are other miners.
---------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---------