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Re: Flushing seems to help alot sooooo could it help whats wrong with me?
  Views: 1,945
Published: 19 y
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Re: Flushing seems to help alot sooooo could it help whats wrong with me?

This sounds to me like you have too much cortisol flowing though your body, which is very likely since deployment can cause a lot of stress and cortisol is the stress hormone. Also, did you ever have to take predinosone or similar cortizone steroid drug? Prednisone can cause side effects like you mentioned especially, the acne, hair growth and weight gain. In either case, Liver Flushing will help flush all that stuff out of you, so keep on flushing.

Also, please look up Cushing's Syndrome. It's rather unlikely you have it, but your neck protrusion gives me pause, and it might be something to ask your doctor to rule out.



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