A 12 step program does nothing to help you deal with cold turkey withdrawel! I withdrew from Paxil and also from opiate type meds and paxil was the worse! It took me a month before I felt human! To be honest with you the only thing you can do is go through it! It will be tough but others have done it before! All you can do is tell yourself its gonna be rough but I must do this to regain my life ,and if i dont do it now it will only get worse the next time I try to give it up! These ssri drugs are bad, they mess up your whole life they take over your brain and influence every waking and sleeping moment! I wish you the best as that all anyone can do for you at this moment in your life! This experience at least will give you a whole new perspective about using drugs in the future! Sorry if I seem coarse but it the truth as I have experienced it, you have my empathy and sympathy!