pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in sphenoid sinus
I have been diagnosed with a pseudomonas aeruginosa infection of the sinus. This has been going on for a long time..maybe a year?? The mucus is almost floresent green. When all of this started, I began to have a bloody nose on left only. All my symptoms are on the left including some vaugue neuro probs. Before they cultured it, they kept giving me different
Antibiotics to no avail. I have been to a sinus clinic and they have done ct scans of my sinus. It shows partial opacification of the sphenoid sinus.
When I went to the clinic near Stanford U, I had been doing the nasal irrigation and at that time I didn't know that I had p. aeruginosa. They said I had minimal sinus pathology. The morning that I saw this doc, I had done the nasal irr and since I had virtual glasses on during the endoscope, I could see how clean it looked. Since the endoscope didn't go all the way up into my sphenoid sinus, how can they be sure that there is only an infection there. They said I had a "cyst" or something that looked like a cyst. They were not bothered by it.
I have developed hypopituitary and am on hydrocortisone. I am concerned that the sphenoid sinus prob will not go away. Since I have oligoclonal banding in my spinal fluid in the pattern of Multiple Sclerosis which means the blood brain barrier has broken down..I am really concerned about a brain abcess from the constant chronic sinus infection. I have never been dx with MS because they can't find any leisons on many brain scans.
I have weakness, hair loss, palpatations, fast heart beat, osteo arthritis, heat intolerance, tremors, degenerative joint disease, positional headaches. I was diagnosed with fibro 20+ years ago and have been able to keep it in control for all these years.It is just weird that all my other health issues started with bloody nose and this infection is an oportunistic one meaning that it only infects people that are immunecompromised.
Anyone with any thoughts that could help??
Thanks for reading this long post!!