Re: Burns...
Lavendel-oil is a very healing oil to the skin; I mostly use it for healing scares, accompagned with clay-compresses. Scares could totally disappear with
everyday lavendel-oil-treatment!
Read about Macrobiotic approach to burns and when to use oils: The macrobiotic principles for dealing with burns are an interesting domonstration of yin-yang thinking: Book warmly recommended: By Michio Kushi,
Macrobiotic home remedies; ISBN 0-87040-554-3.
A burn consists in an extreme yangization of the skin, being caused by high temperature (yang). In order to neutralize this yangization, we must apply yin: commonly people have been applying cold (yin) water (yin).
However, a burn will often cause the formation of blisters. This can be understood as a secondary gathering of yin at this very yangized place, arising because yang attracts yin. If we want to prevent or minimize this blister formation, we shold try to keep the burned skin tight. For that purpose we can put S A L T in the cold water or
ice-water! If the burn is small (one finger) I give children a egg-cup with salt/water/ice in it. After one hour they don`t cry or complain anymore!
After starting to treat burns in this way, they often keep hurting for hours. This happens when the burned skin is still exposed to the air. It is as if the oxygen in the air is still keeping the fire alive in the burned area. We can neutralize this by sealing off this burn from the air. But we should select carefully what to use for this purpose.
We might think that any oil or grease would do, but if that oil or grease has a more yang nature, it will not be yin enough to repel oxygen. Rather it will lock the heat into the wound. That is to say:
-greases of animal origin are not suitable,
-greases of mineral origin, such as a petroleum derivative (ex.vaseline) are also not suitable. Physicians too are nowadays warning against the use of vaseline or butten in this case. We shold select an oil of vegetalbe origin.
Based upon these principles, the macrobiotic treatment of burns is as follows:
1. The first treatment always consists in applying cold salty water. Either dip the burned parts in a partial bath-Cold Salt Water Bath, or cover them with a linen or paper towel drenched with this water. If the burns are very extensive, dip the whole body in a bathtub filled with cold water in which a lot of salt has been gradually dissolved. Continue this treatment until the pain disappears. If the pain reappears as soon as you discontinue this treatment, you must repeat the same treatment until exposure of the burned skin to the air causes no more pain. If no cold salt water is avalilable, try to cover the burns with cool large green leaves. Or make cucumber juice, or daikon juice, and apply this to the burn.
2. When the burns are not very serious or extensive, the next step of the treatment consists in sealing off the burned skin with a vegetable oil.
To promote further healing, the following treatments can be used:
- Apply cucumber juice or daikon juice on a regular basis until the burn is healed.
- Apply a plaster made of equal amounts of white flour and egg white on the burn.
- Apply a plaster made of buckwheat flour or soybean flour mixed with sesame oil or sakè (ricewine).
For serious burns (second or third degree) we apply Taro Plasters or preferably Tofu Plasters. In our experience tofu plasters are extremely beneficial for treating serous burns. For the first hours they shold be renewed every half hour, later every hour. The tofu plasters reduce the pain, promote skin regeneration and suppress the formation of scar tissue or keloid. For deep burns the plasters should be continued up to one month. It may sound bothersome, but so is skin grafting. More than once we witnessed a complete cure – without any scarring – of burns which, according to the judgment of plastic surgeons, should have been grafted.
In case tofu is not readily available, use as a temporary measure raw grated potato, mixed with finely chopped green leaves –
Potato Chlorophyl Plaster.
Best regards from Lillian