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giant intestinal flukes
HOWBURN Views: 2,116
Published: 19 y

giant intestinal flukes

Hi Humaworm

Just wondering if you have ever heard of the giant intestinal fluke, FASCIOLOPSIS BUSKI. I came across a pic of these things and they are identical to three I passed when I was doing P&B Shakes a couple of months ago. I thought they were just three pieces of P&B shake formed in that shape, although they looked brownish, like on the pic.

Im still hoping that it was the P&B shake. On the site Ive seen the pics it states these flukes are confined the orient, and usually eggs are ingested via water chestnuts.

Ive eaten lots of water chestnuts from chinese takeaways over the years. Have you heard of these parasites in the western world, or is it impossible that I could have them and they were after all P&B shake formations?

Thanks in advance



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