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Re: What colour...
HOWBURN Views: 1,351
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 777,432

Re: What colour...

Hi Ernie
I understand a healthy stool should be a nice deep brown colour. THe colour of stools is down to dead bloodcells, which go brown when dead. (The body is replacing the bloodcells continuously). Therefore, the paler the stool, the more anaemic you can assume you are.

However, this can also be an indiction of liver health. If you have a problem with the liver (my father got cancer of the pancreas, and his stools turned white - the liver being cut off with the tumor as it was unable to function).

Generally speaking though, deep brown is good, black is not.

Healthy stool will also sink in the bowl. Floating stools are often full of fat. although mine float and are fluffy and fairly pale because of the yoghurt I eat which is white and fatty (I use half fat milk, rather than fat free to make it). So you have to take what you eat into consideration.

This is just what Ive learned. HOpe its helpful to you.



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