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Internal scarring after Back Surgery
redlepton Views: 2,620
Published: 19 y

Internal scarring after Back Surgery


My husband had back surgery a month ago to repair a herniated disk. The doctor removed 3 bone fragments, one of which was completely broken off.

After surgery, his pain did not go away. He has some back pain and pretty bad pain going all the way down in his right leg.

They took another MRI and said his disk was re-herniated. He has a second surgery today. The doctor said that he removed one small bone fragment, and a lot of scar tissue. The doctor implied that it was the scar tissue that was causing the continued pain.

After surgery, the back and leg pain are still present. The doctor did not seem optimistic. It seems there is nothing further the surgeon can do to relieve the pain and probably the scar tissue is resting on the nerve and/or there is permanent nerve damage.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any natural remedies for reducing this scar tissue. Or if anyone has any other helpful input.

(PS, I suggested to my husband that he do a 60-day OJ fast, but he thought I was insane.)



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