dandruff on eyebrows?
I was wondering if anyone else has eyeborw dandruff? Or know why this would be happening on my eyebrows? What I can do to help it?
This is incredibly distrubing for me...it's bad enough to have it on my head.
I have had mild dandruff now for about 2 1/2 yrs., but within the last year or so it has gotten really bad and within the last yr is when I noticed, my eyebrows beginning to have it. I wonder if my work enviorment contributes to it? (I work at a production studio, where the air is extremely dry all the time...(to keep equiptment good).
I don't really know if that would matter, but it's like my skin gets dry, but then I have this dandruff?
I also have a history of
Acne (which with a liver cleanse that I'm on, is improving!) but just wondering if there was any insight any of you could offer?
Thanks so much :)