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cauchy3 Views: 585
Published: 19 y


1)- Go to my flip flops and set my poem counters. Previews are revised with times. These are fables to histories. Slogans come to grand massive doors. Armies are covered on conducted grounds. Bully and pushy are silly to seal.

2) Our instincts are to follow the control by big times. Depend on powers and reflected by self estimates to loves or gulfs. Bird mama may the best support to flaw logics as you.

3) Cauchy3 has fail safes if ministers pray to preys rather some rigged coins. Styles are fashions but not the modes to pray into. Ranks of lionized creatures are not shy to sleep in pure lands.

4) Some time middle coins could not stand. How to toss? Spanish coffins or coffees! Grey is moderate white but not bright.

5) Clinton tongues but bushes bodies. Got your tongues but your relays are bodies. Some say Clinton lie no deaths. Bush lie deaths. Vocal make sounds but solids need bodies. Some fail on nodes but not fail safe.

6) Gods and evils loves are hybrids. A la mode de la quote. Au fait au naturel. De jure de le diacre sur sexes. The models to been quote. Knacks of skills are open bodies. The administrations are n sexes. I mean some times and some ways. Un de ces jours est juste..

7) Be my walls not bricks. Just are not always raw.

8) Bore to bearings! Pushy to bully! But fractions to pulleys then how to burden the worlds. Lives up braver faces. While tender is soda there are political acidic rains.

9) May be trails are fail safe. But there are dead knocks in middles. Dead causes are on two or more extreme.

10) Do cover your girl ass with latex. Never intakes latex ingredients as strong winds for your linear!

11) Good lucks to hell-bending or utopia temporize. Goods beers are water sports.

12) Gods beers are water sports. Fear dirt is pay dirt. Parts are passes. Warrants need holding up or down arguments.

13) Do or do not. One says no try. One is wrong. As bubbles rise then I can sort. Tight and right into middles we try few extremes.

14) What are shifts? You share the works and powers with others. What a shit.
Evils make you homes. Family makes you homes. Ice creams make a cone. Evils make a cone.

15) Movement needs motions dear john. Steal the bones are empty skulls-jimmy. China Czars mock to go. Drained to bones are hollow drums. Rise up drums when sleeves turn. Where are magic clouds and magic rains? Swollen and acidic!

16) Hitches got your draw back. AS to feed your kids are not as simple as to feed a bird. Abortions are problems. p 0 r n-s needs to pay to go into. Sending or giving is other problems.

17) Alter egos are Yo Yo to set. Saw your globes with powers to smooth. Dark cards are love games. Powers and loves buckle off as diamonds diapers. Loves are interface with powers circles. Diapers are gilded.

18) To gating of pure lands we rent the trucks to ranting wares. To gating of compilers we turn down our terrors to Tory. Clambers on climbers lands are lateral knots.

19) Squares or circles are straight or bent. Condition worth are all to trend.

---------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------



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