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Infomercial giant company marrys with network marketing
intheflow Views: 4,191
Published: 19 y

Infomercial giant company marrys with network marketing

Ok, you guys I don't like MLM's, never have. First, I'll list all the reasons I don't like traditional MLM's

1. They have bad rep for bugging all your friends and realitives to get into them.
2. 93% of people who join them never make much money.
3. Only the people that get in at the top make the real big money.
4. A lot of the marketing plans stink.
5. It takes a lot of work advertising and running around wasting time and gas trying to make it work.
6. Even if you have leads from the internet, they usually are poor.

These are some of the points I have observed and actually experienced in the past and why I swore never again to get involved in one of them.

So recently, I accidently heard about this Infomercial company that has been in business for 6 years making a lot of money and they have just started a network marketing part of their business. I started looking at it and could not believe what they are doing.

My challange to you guys is to look at it and post what you think about it. I'm going to send you to a website so you can explore it. Let's start a discussion about it because it looks so unbelievable. Thanks



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